Gosh, stumbled upon your site. You do know what you are doing. Lovely outfit. So simple, yet so stunning. The fact you are beautiful does help, but still: well done.
I'm Valencia, the community manager of WhatIWear. I checked out your blog, and I think your style is awesome! It should be seen by more people! That's why I'd like to invite you to WhaIWear.com. With 900.000 page views a month, WhatIWear.com is the leading street style website in Asia. Plus, we're still growing, so it's perfect for rising fashionistas to have their chance to SHINE at the spotlight.
Maybe you can post these pics as your first looks on WhatIWear? I bet our members will be rooting for you as well!
We cannot wait to see your awesome style. Click www.whatiwear.com to get started.
tolles Outfit.. nur deine Schuhe würden hier gar nicht gehen, schneit nämlich wie wild :(
AntwortenLöschenhahah ja das stimmt aber als ich das foto gemacht habe war der winter noch nicht da;)))))
LöschenDie Jeansbluse und die Kette dazu gefallen mit total gut! GLG Silvi fashion-beauty-zone.blogspot.de
LöschenОчень красивый жакет!
Gosh, stumbled upon your site. You do know what you are doing. Lovely outfit. So simple, yet so stunning.
AntwortenLöschenThe fact you are beautiful does help, but still: well done.
wow thanks for your great comment I'm very happy!
LöschenLove the jacket!
Hello ,
AntwortenLöschenI'm Valencia, the community manager of WhatIWear. I checked out your blog, and I think your style is awesome! It should be seen by more people! That's why I'd like to invite you to WhaIWear.com. With 900.000 page views a month, WhatIWear.com is the leading street style website in Asia. Plus, we're still growing, so it's perfect for rising fashionistas to have their chance to SHINE at the spotlight.
Maybe you can post these pics as your first looks on WhatIWear? I bet our members will be rooting for you as well!
We cannot wait to see your awesome style.
Click www.whatiwear.com to get started.
See you soon,
Community manager